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Deploy Cloudberry Database with a Single Computing Node (New in v1.5.0)

Cloudberry Database is not fully compatible with PostgreSQL, and some features and syntax are Cloudberry Database-specific. If your business already relies on Cloudberry Database and you want to use the Cloudberry Database-specific syntax and features on a single node to avoid compatibility issues with PostgreSQL, you can consider deploying Cloudberry Database free of segments.

Starting from v1.5.0, Cloudberry Database provides the single-computing-node deployment mode. This mode runs under the utility gp_role, with only one coordinator (QD) node and one coordinator standby node, without a segment node or data distribution. You can directly connect to the coordinator and run queries as if you were connecting to a regular multi-node cluster. Note that some SQL statements are not effective in this mode because data distribution does not exist, and some SQL statements are not supported. See user behavior changes for details.

Before reading this document, it is recommended to first read the Software and Hardware Configuration Requirements and Prepare to Deploy Cloudberry Database on Physical Machine.


The deployment method described in this document is suitable only for deploying Cloudberry Database v1.5.4, not for deploying earlier versions.

How to deploy

Step 1. Prepare to deploy

  1. Run the following commands in sequence to set up the environment.

    # Installs the EPEL repository.
    yum install -y epel-release

    # Adds the /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/lib64 directories to the file so that the system can find the library files in these directories.
    echo -e "/usr/local/lib \n/usr/local/lib64" >> /etc/

    # Adds the /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 directories to the file so that the system can find the library files in these directories.
    echo -e "/usr/lib \n/usr/lib64" >> /etc/

    # Reloads the dynamic library cache to make the system recognize the new library directories.
  2. Run the following commands in sequence to configure password-free authentication for gpadmin.


    # Creates a group named gpadmin
    /usr/sbin/groupadd gpadmin

    # Creates a user named gpadmin, adds it to the gpadmin group and the wheel group.
    /usr/sbin/useradd gpadmin -g gpadmin -G wheel

    # Sets the password for the gpadmin user to "cbdb@123".
    echo "cbdb@123"|passwd --stdin gpadmin

    # Adds the gpadmin user to the /etc/sudoers file, granting permission to run all commands without a password.
    echo "gpadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

    # Adds the root user to the /etc/sudoers file, granting permission to run all commands without a password.
    echo "root ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

    # Generates an RSA private key for the root user without a passphrase, and redirects the output to a null device.
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa <<< $'\n' >/dev/null 2>&1

    # Adds "PasswordAuthentication yes" to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to allow password login.
    echo "PasswordAuthentication yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    # Modifies the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, replacing "UseDNS YES" with "UseDNS no" to disable DNS queries.
    sed -i "s/#UseDNS YES/UseDNS no/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    # Generates an RSA private key as the gpadmin user without a passphrase, and redirects the output to a null device.
    sudo -u gpadmin ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f /home/gpadmin/.ssh/id_rsa <<< $'\n' >/dev/null 2>&1

    # Adds the public key of the gpadmin user to its authorized_keys file as the gpadmin user.
    sudo -u gpadmin cat /home/gpadmin/.ssh/ >> /home/gpadmin/.ssh/authorized_keys

    # Changes the ownership of the /home/gpadmin directory to the gpadmin user.
    sudo chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /home/gpadmin/

    # Uses the ssh-keyscan command to add the host's public key to the current user's known_hosts file.
    ssh-keyscan $(hostname) >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Step 2. Install Cloudberry Database RPM package

  1. Download the Cloudberry Database RPM package to the current directory, For example, downloading You need to replace the download address in the command with the actual target address.

  2. Install the RPM package. You need to replace the package name in the command with the actual package name.

    yum install -y cloudberrydb-1.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm

Step 3. Deploy Cloudberry Database with a single computing node

Use the scripting tool gpdemo to quickly deploy Cloudberry Database. gpdemo is included in the RPM package and will be installed in the GPHOME/bin directory along with the configuration scripts (gpinitsystem, gpstart, and gpstop). gpdemo supports quickly deploying Cloudberry Database with a single computing node.

The commands above create a new directory and run gpdemo to deploy a Cloudberry Database cluster of a single computing node.


# Changes the owner and group of the /usr/local/cloudberrydb directory to gpadmin.
chown gpadmin:gpadmin /usr/local/cloudberrydb

# Installs specific versions of Python libraries using pip3.
pip3 install psutil==5.7.0 pygresql==5.2 pyyaml==5.3.1

# Switches to the gpadmin user.
su - gpadmin

# Creates a directory named test_gpadmin.
mkdir test_gpadmin

# Enters the test_gpadmin directory.
cd test_gpadmin

# Sources the Greenplum environment variables.
source /usr/local/cloudberrydb/

# Runs the gpdemo command to create the Cloudberry Database cluster.

# Sources the gpdemo environment variables.

# Checks the status of Cloudberry Database.
gpstate -s

Step 4. Connect to Cloudberry Database

  1. Connect to Cloudberry Database.

    psql -p 7000 postgres
  2. View the information of active segments.

    postgres=# select * from gp_segment_configuration;

Common issues

How to check the deployment mode of a cluster

Perform the following steps to confirm the deployment mode of the current Cloudberry Database cluster:

  1. Connect to the coordinator node.

  2. Execute SHOW gp_role; to view the operating mode of the cluster.

    • If utility is returned, it indicates that the cluster is in utility mode (maintenance mode), where only the coordinator node is available.

      Continue to run the SHOW gp_internal_is_singlenode; command to see whether the cluster is in the single-computing-node mode.

      • If on is returned, the current cluster is in the single-computing-node mode.
      • If off is returned, the current cluster is in utility maintenance mode.
    • If dispatch is returned, it means that the current cluster is a regular cluster containing segment nodes. You can further check the segment count, status, port, data directory, and other information of the cluster by running SELECT * FROM n;.

Where is the data directory

gpdemo automatically creates a data directory in the current path ($PWD). For the single-computing-node deployment:

  • The default directory of the coordinator is ./datadirs/singlenodedir.
  • The default directory of the coordinator standby node is ./datadirs/standby.

How it works

When you are deploying Cloudberry Database in the single-computing-node mode, the deployment script gpdemo writes gp_internal_is_singlenode = true to the configuration file postgresql.conf and starts a coordinator and a coordinator standby node with the gp_role = utility parameter setting. All data is written locally without a segment or data distribution.

User-behavior changes

In the single-computing-node mode, the product behavior of Cloudberry Database has the following changes. You should pay attention to these changes before performing related operations:

  • When you execute CREATE TABLE to create a table, the DISTRIBUTED BY clause no longer takes effect. A warning is output: WARNING: DISTRIBUTED BY clause has no effect in singlenode mode.
  • The SCATTER BY clause of the SELECT statement is no longer effective. A warning is output: WARNING: SCATTER BY clause has no effect in singlenode mode.
  • Other statements that are not supported (for example, ALTER TABLE SET DISTRIBUTED BY) are declined with an error.
  • The lock level of UPDATE and DELETE statements will be reduced from ExclusiveLock to RowExclusiveLock to provide better concurrency performance, because there is only a single node without global transactions or global deadlocks. This behavior is consistent with PostgreSQL.